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Old 08-24-2009, 06:23 AM   #73 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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My mam doesn't really own much music at all. My dad still has some records but none of them are hers and the only CD's she has are what other people have bought for her. She likes ABBA and Cliff Richard mainly so safe to say I don't get any of my music taste from her at all. Not even a little bit.

My dad has somewhat questionable tastes in my eyes. For a start he likes Tina Turner and Celine Dion. No thanks! He likes little bits and pieces of classical which i'm down with but I have rarely heard him play any of this for years and back when he did I didn't have even the slightest interest. My dad also mainly purhcases greatest hits and best of's, some old country stuff that I have never been able to get into at all and your bog standard rock compilations with the same songs on each and every one of them. I did however get some of my music from him. The Beatles, Johnny Cash, The Stones, Clapton and Cream, a little Dire Straits if i'm in the right mood for it. He also likes The Jeff Healey band and a few others that I haven't exactly developed a liking for but don't dislike by any means.

I got most of my music growing up from my sister who would leave conveniently and strategically placed casettes lying around for me to find. I had awful taste in music when I was much, much younger.

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