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Thread: Afi
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Old 09-07-2009, 03:01 PM   #161 (permalink)
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im not going to bash AFireInside, but i really have to say im stoked for the new album and scared also.

i found AFI back like 2003 and ive loved them ever since. The decemberunderground came out and it BLEW UP! on the scene and people who you would expect started to love them and **** kinda pissed me off in a way. but im still a fan of them and prob will be. but im afraid that decemberunderground made them big and most of there newer fans came from it. it basically like what happened to MCR ya i liked them with three cheers for sweet revenge but when black parade came out and EVERONE started to know abt them im sorry to say but.... ihate them now...and i think its a shame =/.

but what im trying to get to is....this album or afi might make them MORE famous or drop alittle fame for them and make AFI not so mainstream....

but on a lighter note :3 im stoked
I met my love before i was born, He wanted love, I taste of Blood. He bit my lip and drank my war from years before
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