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Old 09-09-2009, 01:26 PM   #25 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by zeppy111 View Post
Album: 1. Silversun Pickups - Carnavas
Year: 2006
Genre: Shoegaze

I am honestly not too sure what every single genre is under the sun is and I really don’t care either, it is music. Sorry about the small rant but people keep on trying to classify every single band to a confinement of a genre instead of just listening to the music and appreciating it or discarding it, most notably with people I spend time with in real life.

The one thing I do know is that this output by the Silversun Pickups, as well as “Pikul EP,” showcase their class perfectly and both are gems of music. Some may consider it boring at times due to its almost monotone production, but it just means that you got to focus a little bit harder.

A fresh, bright output which certainly slams the door on those who believe that no good music can or has been produced in the 21st century. 8.4/10

Highlight: Lazy Eye

Album: 2. Pixies - Doolittle
Year: 1989
Genre: Alternative Rock

My first experience with the band who seem to get so much praise on MB and in the musical world, and this release showcased why they achieve such praise.

The album brims with energy, enthusiasm and passion from the beginning until the end, which is a real treat in this modern era of music with materialistic pop-punk bands dominating the music scene.

The highlight of the album is the final track, “Gouge Away.” It contains some really sweet bass lines and most notably the contrast between the verse and the chorus, whereby the verse is sung with harsher vocals than the chorus. Maybe it is just me, but that transition brings goose-bumps to my skin. Overall a really fine album, with only 1 or 2 songs that I didn’t enjoy. 9.4/10

Highlight: Gouge Way

Album: 3. Placebo - Placebo
Year: 1996
Genre: Alternative Rock

This album is the debut album from the band and arguably their finest input. After a recent binge on their music due to the new album being released not so long ago, I have concluded my favourite 3 albums of theirs to be:

1. Placebo 1996
2. Black Market Music 2000
3. Sleeping With Ghosts 2003

There is something that intrigues me when it comes to a bands debut album, 90-95% of the time the debut captures all of what is good about the band and showcases what music they really do play. A more pure, true, un-touched version of a band and their sound.

This album is case-in-point as it captures all of what draws me to Placebo, whether it is the droned out guitar or the extraordinary vocals, everything just sits hand in hand with each other. Although it may not be the most talented music or band, this album is a fine release with many really entertaining and easy to get into. 7.6/10

Highlight: Nancy Boy
Just been reading your journal and its a great read, especially liked reading about the South African bands, who probably like most people on here I`d never heard of before.

Placebo`s first album is certainly one of the great debut albums in the 90`s with its glam rock and cerebral metal feel, but for me the essence of its greatness is Robert Schultzberg`s drumming, very reminiscent of Jimmy Chamberlin with is dense powerful sound that`s kept on a leesh.
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