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Old 09-19-2009, 01:14 PM   #2794 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
Posts: 7,648

1. What musical artist best sums up your personality?

I'd have to say probably Devin Townsend, but that may be more because of the personality I've built up around his music. I probably wouldn't have gotten through high school if I didn't have the albums City and Terria.

2. If you had the opportunity to do so would you sleep with a member of the same sex?

No. I am not attracted to other men and no amount of alcohol could impair my judgment to the point where I would sleep with another one (as in put my penis inside or vice versa).

3. What is your party trick?

Bringing a 12 pack of something decent or a 2/6 of Grey Goose

4. Who have you lied to recently and why?

Told trace87 I'd get a Flaming Lips album uploaded but never did, sorry mate I'm just lazy and forgetful.

5. Do you believe in monogamy?

Sure why not

6. What do you dislike most about the opposite Sex?

Sending mixed messages, it can get very confusing sometimes for people like me who are bad enough at interpreting what they're saying to what they actually mean.
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