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Old 09-30-2009, 12:40 PM   #2873 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Ireland
Posts: 1,088

1. Do you prefer Blonde's or Brunettes?

Redheads, apparently! tis what I've ended up with the last two times... But given a choice of the above, I'd say brunettes.

2. What kind of people do you like?

Most important is a sense of humour, I can get along with anyone who can take a joke, be they arrogant prats or idiots. Intelligence I will always look for, because it means I can have a decent conversation, and then I love people who are straight up about what they think, cause you always know where you stand with them. Apart from those three, traits of even my closest friends vary too much for me to be able to categorise more than that!

3. What are your parents like?

Generally sound people, I get along with them fairly well. Completely different to each other though, and divorced as a result. My dad is really into computers and manual stuff, sports, machinery, etc. etc. Works in the same strain. Isn't much of an intellect but is intelligent. Into music, but not a serious music buff.

My mother is a lawyer, serious intellect, likes arthouse movies and tends to be quite elitist about her music and her film (and books), which is probably where I get that part of myself from tends to avoid physical work though she played sports when younger and tends more towards the mentally stimulating things in life.

4. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?

ummm, I really don't know.. haven't watched TV in a veeery long time

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

Rowlf! Legend with a piano. No more needs to be said!

6. How would you spend a million dollars/pounds/euros in a month?

Easily? I'd probably fly to the UK to pick up my GF, before travelling around the world with her doing all the things we've said we wanted to do. I'm sure we could burn up 1mil quite quickly...
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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