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Old 10-02-2009, 01:37 PM   #3 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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I played Guitar Hero III yesterday, fun stuff, and I think the criticism of it is stupid. I hate all these metalhead douchebags who constantly whine "Why don't you just get a real guitar?".

Because I suck at guitar and always will, video games is about escapism, assh*les. Obviously Guitar Hero is not meant to be a substitute for the real thing, it's just a game and anyone who thinks they can play a real guitar because they beat Guitar Hero is clearly an idiot. It's just a simple (but hella addictive) rhythm game that anyone can pick up and have fun playing. Stop looking at it like it's some serious threat to real guitar players.

Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor View Post
13: Nintendo.
So what's my problem?

Well, here's the thing. It is a known fact that the way in which we entertain ourselves is constantly expanding as technology becomes more sophisticated and user-friendly. Back in the 90's, a 16-bit machine was enough to have everyone ooh-ing and aah-ing but nowadays something needs to be pretty fucking impressive for it to even get a second glance. It was inevitable that videogames, the strongest selling form of media on the market (whoda thunk it?), were going to push the boundaries moreso than anything else. So whilst Microsoft and Sony went ahead and made logical steps, graphical enhancements etc, Nintendo threw away their leftover notes from the Gamecube and started from scratch. What they came up with, was the Wii.
I don't think better graphics and DVD add ons is what the industry needs, it needs to take a step back and remember the age old philosophy of KISS. Keep it simple stupid.

And guess which console best lives up to that? I'll give you time to think about it.

Again, you can't blame Nintendo for thinking outside of the box, altering the way we play the game rather than the game itself. In fact, we should commend them for such originality. But it didn't quite please everyone, did it?
I think they knew damn well that they were gonna piss off the "hardcore" gamers by going for the casual market, and I can at least understand why people are mad about that. But when people say Nintendo are selling out their fans, well that's stupid. They're not alienating anyone, they're just expanding their horizons a bit.

However Nintendo has always been the "family" game company, their targets has always been the kiddies and their attempts to appeal to casual gamers goes way back to the days of Tetris and Duck Hunt.

Nintendo are the easy target because now the gaming community consists of 20 somethings and so Sony and Microsoft like to pick on Nintendo and call them the "little kid's choice". Well, Sega did the exact same thing, so have a lot of companies who failed at the console market. Nintendo didn't need a "mature" image back then and they don't need one now.

The "casual" gaming community is not to be underestimated, they're here to stay and people need to get used to it.

Today I went to HMV to find a new game for my Wii. It has been sitting here gathering dust, occasionally seeing the light of day when I fancy a quick round or 2 of Brawl. I scowered the shelves, and found nothing but limp-looking quiz games and Sea Bass Fishing.
While I agree that the Wii is suffering from quality control issues (which is ultimately what undid the Atari 2600) I do think there are are some very excellent games and not just the obvious ones, you just have to look harder. Yes aside from Sega and Capcom the third party support is very nonexistant.

But Nintendo has had this problem since the N64, a console that is now considered a classic even though I can't think of any good non-Nintendo published games for it off the top of my head, except for Turok, Rayman 2, Harvest Moon 64, Resident Evil 2 and a fantastic library of sports and racing games.

So since then Nintendo has relied solely on their first party games to wow gamers, and their current success is built on those games alone, with help from only a few third party games. That's pretty damn impressive that they have managed to do that for over a decade now and comes to show that not everybody cares how big a console's library is. I'd rather have a few masterpieces than thousands of games that are just rentals at best.

Casual gamers can't afford to buy games every goddamn week like the spoiled rich brats who make up the modern community of gamers, so they don't have very large libraries of games anyway. I'm like that as well. I favor quality over quantity, and I don't really care if I could fit all of the Wii's great games into a dresser drawer, I consider that enough.

Which was made by Sega. My childhood has been shat upon.
Well then, that's Segas fault (and your fault for still buying their games), not Nintendos fault.

"Hey Sega still makes shite games, curse you Nintendo". Seriously you think it's Nintendo's job to get Sega to stop making bad games? Nintendo is just a video game company dude, they're not miracle workers.

To be fair to Sega though, Madworld looks awesome, and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games looks like a fun multiplayer game.

THIS is the problem. I have been out and I have bought ALL of Nintendo's first-party games for this system, and the ones that manage to not be remakes of Gamecube games are brilliant, as would be expected. I'm not saying that Nintendo have lost their magic touch when it comes to making superb videogames, anyone who played Super Mario Galaxy would know that they are still the most imaginative and creative developer in the world today. But what I can't stand is the feeling that Nintendo is becoming another Coca-cola. The Wii Fit, the Brain Training, the endless amount of shitty half-hearted third party support vomiting out useless ways in which to use an equally useless peripheral.
Again this is nothing new. Weird and whacky peripherals have been part of the industry since day one. NES had a LOT of them, so did the Genesis. And this is not a trend that just the Wii continues to adopt, the PS3 and 360 are just as guilty. In fact 360 is now going into the motion capture biz as well, so to say Nintendo are no longer relevant to their competitors is obviously wrong.

With the Super Nintendo, you didn't need to point four controllers at the screen at once to have a good time with your friends.
You don't need to do that with the Wii either, there's still a handful of quality games that are compatable with the GC conroller if the wiimote is not your style. Mario Kart and Brawl for example. Some people actually do like that white piece of plastic (like me) however so it's nice that Nintendo gives options.

You didn't even need four controllers. All you needed was one, plugged in, playing A Link To The Past or any one of the dozens of fantastic titles in your arsenal and the family would gather round. That's the sort of stuff that makes memories and captures imaginations. Not Cheggers Party Quiz.[/CENTER]
Well I do agree that single player games don't seem to be as important anymore and that is very sad, not everybody has friends to play with all the time.

But one thing I love about the Wii is how many of it's multiplayer games encourage REAL social gameplay. As opposed to the other consoles which is just...


But I guess that's something for people who don't have any real friends.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 10-03-2009 at 03:30 AM.
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