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Old 10-03-2009, 04:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor View Post
I understand that casual gamers are a much larger portion of the market these days than they ever have been, and that Nintendo are catering to that. I haven't got a problem with them doing such a thing, because at the end of the day it gives them more money to put out more quality games.
Exactly. Sony and Microsoft get the job done by appealing to the mature crowd, I have nothing against that, they're just continuing the marketing strategy that Sega started way back in the Genesis days.

Nintendo have always been the exact opposite, some think their conservative approach is a bad thing, I don't. It makes them distinctive and it's what has always set them apart from their competition. Nintendo have tried to capitalise on fads in the past and failed horribly (cashing in on the virtual reality fad with Virtual Boy), since then it's best that they start the trends rather then follow them.

But that's the thing. It seems to me that there is a lack of quality games. The biggest title that Nintendo has released in a loooooooooooong time is Wii Sports Resort, which says a lot doesn't it really?
Meh, I disagree. Of the first party games for the Wii. Galaxy, Brawl, TP, Mario Kart, MP3, Super Paper Mario and Punch Out have all been crowd pleasers. Capcom and Ubisoft has put out some quality games on the system as well, even Sega has put out a few good games among their usual crap.

Anyone who won't at least admit those first party titles are all good games is probably not a Nintendo fan to begin with, and their opinions are as meaningful to me as my opinions are to PS3 fans.

Plus, this whole range of 'new control' games, that are basically just rehashes of old Gamecube games, is a bit of a slap in the face. Give us a NEW game, rather than a half-arsed re-release of a Gamecube title.
I would like to see them devote more time to new games yes. And they are, Nintendo don't put out as many first party titles as Sony does, but that's because they take their time. They delayed Brawl so many times it was ridiculous, sure it pissed us off, but we knew that in the end they didn't want to release an unfinished product, and they didn't.

Also there's still some new Wii games to get excited about. Super Mario Galaxy 2 being the main one, more than one Mario platformer on a Nintendo console is quite a rarity and a pleasant surprise. There's also New Super Mario Bros Wii, Sin and Punishment 2, Pikmin 2, the new Metroid by Team Ninja, a new Kirby game, and even a new Zelda game.

That's right, we're getting another Zelda for the Wii, SUCK ON THAT.

I also heard through the grapevine that at this years E3, aside from announcing Super Mario Galaxy 1.5 (why?) and the New Super Mario Bros (which I am genuinely excited about) their only other major announcement was some sort of unnecessary sensor system.
Super Mario Galaxy 1.5? Ok that's just stupid.

It's a full fledged sequel, so far we don't know much about it, but from the video I've seen there's tons of new gameplay mechanics and powerups and the new environments look like an absolute blast to play. Seriously how can you not be excited about it?

NintendoFE3 2009î•ñ | o“Wƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹ | Super Mario Galaxy 2


I just can't be bothered to see any more games involving throwing frisbees at dogs when there hasn't been a new Legend of Zelda game since the GC.
Uh, you're wrong. Phantom Hourglass on the DS, and there's another Zelda game for that system coming this December, called Spirit Tracks. And like I said another Zelda for the Wii is on the way.

Nintendo are not neglecting their franchises by any means, it's just that Mario and Zelda isn't like Sonic or Madden NFL, they're not putting out a rushed, incomplete game every millisecond, they actually take their time polishing their games, and the fans are rewarded for their patience.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 10-03-2009 at 05:06 PM.
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