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Old 10-06-2009, 05:35 PM   #37 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,468

I am a strong atheist. I guess one could call me an anti-theist in that I am against any for of theism. I don't believe theism to be the root of the problem though. Just the fact that theism is irrational. Any belief in a higher deity is idol worship. You should be worshiping the human spirit if anything. Worship yourself, not as if you were a deity, but as if you were a hero. I am one of the atheists who goes out of his way to prove religious people wrong. That is because I would do the same with any Nazi. Nazism is a destructive philosophy just as I believe theism is. Neither are roots of the problem, but they are part of it. I dislike Agnosticism because it is fence sitting. They say that we should just consider the God question beyond positive or negative because we have no proof of existence or nonexistence. However, there is no ultimately positive aspect of spirituality just as there is no ultimately positive aspect of taking 'shrooms or doing acid to "enlighten" yourself.

Two plus two equals four. If someone goes on to say that it equals five he better have a damn good reason for believing what he does. Otherwise, I will do the honor of tearing his argument to pieces so that he won't be deceiving people. I would hope everyone else would do the same.
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