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Thread: Guitar problem
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:58 AM   #9 (permalink)
The Musicophile
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 19

I've got a couple of fenders (a strat and a tele) and an Ibanez (an RG prestige, one of the special editions). I always pick up the tele. I find it sits better in recordings with less work mixing, I like the neck on it, the pickup positions are all useful, it can sound delicate, or it can sound meaty. The strat's good too, less of an all-rounder in my opinion, but with maybe a more comfortable neck for a beginner. The Ibanez was my first decent guitar, It's ok, I still use it occasionally, but the fenders see by far the most use.

I couldn't really advise you on Gibsons, except don't just buy one over the internet, I've played a few les pauls over the years, and they're each really different. I really love the way 335s sound on recordings, and I have a friend who has a 135 which is beautiful. I fancy an SG myself, I'm just trying to say don't just go for the les paul without considering the others.

The mexican fenders are good, but not as good as the americans. It's not really fair, I'm sure mexicans are just as capable of making good things as americans, if not better, but fender don't use as good components on their mexican guitars. You can't replace some mexican components with american ones either because the mexican guitars are measured metrically and the american ones use imperial measurements. Epiphone guitars are reasonable for the price, but Gibsons are nicer. All pretty obvious really...

I play a lot of styles of music, not much metal, but I'd use the Ibanez for that if I did. Everything else I'd go fender for.

The advice given already by someone else is probably the best. Try as many guitars as you can lay your hands on. Shop assistants really don't care if you spend an hour with one of their guitars, then don't buy it (at least the good ones don't, and the bad ones can't exactly do anything about it). Have fun, I wish I had the money to go guitar shopping ...
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