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Old 10-10-2009, 06:37 PM   #2977 (permalink)
ironing your socks
WolfAtTheDoor's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: I'm in a rocknroll band. huh.
Posts: 396

1) Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace prize?
This is where I can air my right as a British Citizen and say 'I don't give a fuck, because I am not an American'. Seriously, that campaign is the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed.

2) Do you think that your hobbies or past times have become obsessions?
Not at all. I've never really indulged in hobbies, I have just gone through fads. Most of them revolve around re-buying things that I enjoyed in my youth-hood, but I mainly just buy them, look at them for a bit and then sell them for a higher price on eBay.

3) Would you be offended or freaked out if a total stranger crossed the road to tell you that you are attractive?
It depends whether the stranger is male and whether or not they are already masturbating.

4) Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings?
Star Wars. Lord of the Rings never quite did it for me.

5) What food item do you absolutely despise?
Nothing at all.

6) If you could dine with anyone in the world who would it be and why?
None of my heroes. I'm a messy eater.
press your space face close to mine, love
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