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Old 10-12-2009, 01:01 PM   #2980 (permalink)
Flower Child
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Originally Posted by Lateralus View Post
4) Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings?
Lord of the Rings, geez. If you couldn't tell from my recent New Zealand adventure, I am quite possibly the biggest LOTR nerd you will ever know.
I, too, am a huge Lord of the Rings nerd. I know all about the characters and who their fathers were and if somebody mispronounces a name, I get so pissed. I just can't help it. So absurd, I know.

1) Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace prize?
I loathe that joker mouth Obama......and his two-faced slouchy wife. I think you get my position. How can he get a Nobel Peace prize when
1. Um...we are still in a war right now...still in other countries....shooting them...
2. His healthcare proposal has done nothing but divide our country
3. He has only been recognized on the face of the earth for not even a year...what exactly has he done? I would like to hear some specifics

2) Do you think that your hobbies or past times have become obsessions?
I'm on musicbanter way more than the healthy dosage

3) Would you be offended or freaked out if a total stranger crossed the road to tell you that you are attractive?
Nah. I would be flattered.....but then again....maybe a little creeped

4) Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings?
Lord of the Rings, hands down. I have it bad for Viggo Mortensen in that movie.

5) What food item do you absolutely despise?
Mayonnaise is the one thing that I just can't eat. I also hate those cheap turkey, beef, mechanically separated chicken, horse, lizard hot dogs. Spend 50 cents more and get the good ones, good god.

6) If you could dine with anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Jimi Hendrix....when he was alive of course, which would be impossible but whatever. Do I need to explain why?

Last edited by Flower Child; 10-12-2009 at 01:47 PM.
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