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Old 10-27-2009, 10:00 PM   #318 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Actually it dosen't, it just proves that everything wasn't created in 7 days and that we were not made from dirt.

People can still believe that some divine being was behind the big bang and evolution.

It only explains the means in which everything was created, they don't explain what actually created the means in which everything could be created.

Science disproves whacky creationist theories, it dosen't actually disprove the existence of god.
The ultimate truth, can only be explained by science, IMO. To me what you're seeing doesn't seem practical, why would a divine being behind evolution and the big bang? Why would god mask his creations with science?

Either way, even if some groundbreaking discovery came out, absolutely irrefutably disproving god. People would STILL believe. Religion comforts people, they don't want to think death is simply the end. The existence of god will and can never be disproved however. We aren't capable of attaing such a truth, and for one to claim he KNOWS there isn't a god, is ignorant.

I don't believe in god, but I'll never be 100% certain if he exists or not.
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