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Old 11-02-2009, 08:14 AM   #3189 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 942

1. What is your favourite horror film?

I dunno... I remember watching The Exorcist when I was a little kid and thinking it was the scariest, greatest movie ever created. But I don't really have an absolute favorite.

2. Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

Don't think so.

3. Are you going to any costume parties and if so, as what?

I'm really lame. I dressed up as a hippie because I couldn't decide what to do... Very unoriginal and uncreative.

4. What's the scariest story (urban legend) you've ever heard?

There's a bridge called the Bunny Man Bridge near my house in Clifton. Supposedly a bus full of inmates from an insane asylum flipped over near it and 2 people escaped, one was found murdered, and dead bodies of half eaten bunnies were regularly found near the bridge. Then on Halloween after that teens would go there and end up murdered and hung from the bridge. So a lot of people go to the bridge every Halloween around midnight just for fun, because I don't think anyone really believes it. We used to get drunk and go get high on the bridge at midnight, and I'm still alive .

5. Has anyone scared the living shit out of you on Halloween and how?

I'm sure I've been scared on Halloween at some point in my life, but I can't remember any specific incident really.

6. Have you ever stayed in a haunted house?

Nope, supposedly some place I stayed in Louisiana was haunted but it seemed to be just rumors.
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