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Old 11-09-2009, 11:48 AM   #16 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: texas
Posts: 753

Originally Posted by kayleigh. View Post
I always get really interested with this one, mostly because you've taken a completely different approach to your Journal than any of the other ones I've read. I like this, and I don't mind your grammer at all!
I mostly like how you relate to the music through a personal experience, and which emoticons you feel. I like this Journal more than I thought I would, even though I've never commented in it, or told you so .

thank you kayleigh,...
i know that at times i may be a bit venomous twards you, and i think its just that we just arent on the same wave length,, i'm sorry,....thank you for your kind words, and i hope to get so drunk with you someday it doesnt matter we misunderstand each other

for a time in my life i was so emursed in the texas scene that i couldnt see my way out of it, was my friends, it was my family, it was my day to day business

i would always go on listenin spree tangents in other genres but there was always some connection to what i had emursed myself it, was an influence, a recommendation, its what was playin in the van

in my late teens and early 20s i was so wrapped up in that penny lane persona, prolly because i wish i could harness talent in a way that i saw was influencing my life so much,....i found alot of solace in it

its been so long that i was at a small show and did not know the band that lucero saturday night threw me back into that whole 'wonderment of it all'

even with the vomit, and outragous bar tab i'm really glad that i was thrown back into it

i stood there in the crowd jumpin around witha buncha drunken sweaty flannel clad boys and just sang my ass off,...rather off key if i remember correctly

i shared it with my lil ginger fellow friend jake,....jake whose not a lucero fan,...jake who makes me listen to the stroke and sparklehorse,....jake who worships at the alter of morrsey,..jake in his skinny jeans and cord jacket with little leather patches on the elbows,....jake in his union jack high top tennis shoes,...jake who lit all of my smokes, and shoved water down my throat

and i cant imagine sharein the show with anyone but him

he has influenced my listening so much in the past six months, reminded me that there was a scene so much bigger than the lil one i've embraced my whole life,....he has shared so much of himself with me through his music, both that he is listening to and createing

he would always roll his eyes when i made him listen to MY ipod, and it was exciteing to share something so dear to me with him, something that has ment so much to me, show him that it is so much more than simple riffs, and no bridges,....more than just a glass gargling distortion of vocal cords

i think this show might be what bridges our tastes together,....more than a mix tape ever could

and i look forward to him doin the same with me

jake, if youre reading this, i promise when julian casablancas makes it anywhere near texas, or a neighboring state for that matter,....we will be at that show, even if we eat ramen for a month to fund it,......and if you had a purse, i would hold it the whole time for you, just like you did for me
i changed my mind; i changed my mind;now i'm feeling different

all that time, wasted
i wish i was a little more delicate
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my name was clementine - sarah jaffe
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