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Old 11-20-2009, 09:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
Unrepentant Ass-Mod
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
So you're thankful for this, that, and the other. But what are you not thankful for this year? What are some of the things that have really pissed you off the most this year?
Rant about some of the things you really could have done without this year.

My major no-thanks:

This year, I give no-thanks to the following people for making my life barely tolerable:

1. Everyone on the road except me.
I don't know how many horrible drivers there are in the world, but I'm willing to bet that there's a Horrible Driver convention that happens every day, on every road, in every city I'm driving in. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. The convention is at full capacity and I will find myself trying to drive through it without getting side-swiped, rear-ended, bogged down, and pissed off.
I've noticed a general trend that dictates the people who speed past you on the interstate and flip you off because you're only going 5 miles OVER the speed limit, are the same jackasses who go 5 miles UNDER the speed limit in the city. I've seen it happen. I've watched these Jeckyl & Hydes transform. Both ways. It's unanimous. I end up behind these guys all the time and I'm brought to a state of pure confusion about it.
Some of these people SLOW DOWN while nearing a green light.
Some of them recklessly careen down a side street, then stop for a yellow light.
Some of them like to change lanes without ever thinking that it may be a great idea to um... make sure no one is along side them. I dunno... just a tip.
The rules in this alternate traffic universe have truly been conceived in the twilight zone, and every time I'm stuck behind, or in front of one of these assholes the end result is me getting annoyed.
Driving has turned me into a completely defensive, always paranoid, waiting for someone to smash into me or force me to veer off into the median just to not get hit by T-Floyd and his trailer trash girlfriend who apparently think they're just playing a Nintendo game of driving because they smoked far too much meth.

You drivers disgust me.

2. College Students
Out of all the ridiculous things I've had to witness, I think being in college and having a pair of eyeballs ranks up there in the tops.
I'm not talking about kids doing stupid stunts, or drinking themselves to death. No... I'm talking about the kids who are paying a lot of money to do absolutely nothing but surf the internet and play games ALL DAY and then fail a test, and then bitch and complain about their grades.
I sit here and hear these kids pissing and moaning about how they can't understand what's being taught, how they can't pass the tests, and how mad they are at me for getting 100% on my tests and screwing their chances of having a grade curve.
I even offered to help one kid study but told him he'd have to type the key points... He said "No that's too much work." and resumed watching Beyonce' music videos.
You dumb fuckers are here for a degree, and you cheat to pass tests... and can't even succeed at that 80 percent of the time, and you expect to get a good job huh? Well... fine. Get your foot in the door. Then when they start to suspect you're a fraud and fire you because you have absolutely no knowledge about the very field you have a fucking degree in? Well.. You're gonna be serving me chicken nuggets at McDonald's in 2 years, jackass.
Parents... don't send your kids to college until they've actually had their own apartment, worked for their own rent, food, and bills, and learned that they actually have to expend effort in order to survive and prosper. Let them learn how to be an adult before you spend money on their higher education. Seriously, if you do, you'll be investing your money in something that isn't going to embarrass you. Because your kids, most of them, they're fucking embarrassing.

3. Lack of stuff to bitch at
I know it's disappointing, but I really don't have that much to bitch at. Some of the things I've bitched at in the past just seem so trivial. I guess it's going to be like that every year. The previous year's bitching won't seem as important as I take on new priorities.
But at least I know that if there ever happens to be a point in time where I have absolutely nothing to bitch at...

I'll at least be able to bitch about that.

No Thank you, 2009.
in all honesty i think the worst parents are the ones who send their unrepentant fuckers off to school without so much as a whiff of what their snotty brats want to do with their lives.

it's how i go to a principally-technical school where more than 50% of the attending students are liberal arts majors and kids change into them just as soon as they realize that there's work involved in getting a legitimate degree.
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