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Old 11-23-2009, 12:40 AM   #3324 (permalink)
Saaaad Panda
pourmeanother's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 852

1. What MB member would you like to meet and why?
There's a lot of interesting cats, but I think the idea is to pick one... So, I'll say dreadnaught. She is awesome- 'nuff said.

2. What would you change about MB if you could?
MB should do online radio. Broadcast a few shows to cover the major genres. Broaden our musical horizons. That would be excellent.

3. Name a new MB mod and why choose this individual?
Me, because I would rule with an iron fist as well as a gentle caress.

4. What turns you off about the opposite gender?
Fake tan, fake breasts, too much makeup, largeness, seeing them drunk when I'm sober, girls who come on too strong/desperate. There's a lot I like though

5. Do you believe in fate or is life a series of accidents?
I exercise my free will by choosing to believe in fate. Is that a paradox? I've always wanted to create one of those...

6. What makes you angry?
So much anger about to be unleashed: dancing shows, conservative conservatives, religious who only accept their religion as the way, the Anaheim Ducks- most notably Corey Perry, Tim McCarver, Skip Bayless, Michael Bay, the fact that it's taboo to make fun of little people but it's okay to comment on tall people's height (same with fat people and skinny people), rat tails (unnecessary, I want to cut them off), anybody who does any harm to kids, **** Cheyney, corruption, auto-tune, "bros", New Moon/Twilight, people who don't respond to texts, mayonnaise, condiments in general, people who drive slow in the left lane on freeways, the entire month of February (sorry Black people , fwiw it ain't because of you), how much money controls us, 8 am classes, people who offer to pay for something because I'm poor- I don't like feeling like a charity case, "green-washing", popped collars, Mobsters/Mafia Wars/FarmVille/Any game on facebook that blows up my NewsFeed, death as a drug side effect, cereal packaging- which is hard to tear open often resulting in random tears that make pouring the flakes hard, CSI and other crime shows, TIM TEBOW!, people who get snobby during a game like beer pong- just drink the ****ing keystone it only cost $12 so deal with it, professors who have garbage lectures and take attendance- grabbing you by the balls with an attendance sheet, paper cuts, tiny dogs, large cats, when blind squirrels find nuts in poker, tuition increases, dumb people on Cash Cab, Pluto not being a planet, legroom on airplanes/buses, Beans from Even Stevens.............. Oh man, but don't get me started on things that make me angry.
Life is just blah, blah, blah
You hope for blah
And sometimes you find it, but mostly it's blah
And waiting for blah
And hoping you were right about the blahs you made
And then, just when you think you've got the whole blah'd damn thing figured out
And you're surrounded by the ones you blah
Death shows up... anddd blah, blah, blah.

Last edited by pourmeanother; 11-23-2009 at 01:00 AM.
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