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Old 11-23-2009, 06:12 PM   #3349 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Well, some day I'll be heading over to England and I'd love to meet up with some of you strange brits. Alcohol is definetly a requirement and I think it would be fun. Meeting new people doesn't really bother me and I've met lots of people I only knew from online and it always went fine. I actually think people find me more interesting in real life than on the forums I easily make friends and tend to get along just fine with most sort of people so that's usually not a problem, but even if there would be the occasional silence while probing for the next topic - so what?

After a few beers and some whiskys, it definetly wouldn't be a problem. The only trouble with me is I love the sauce and I'd have to try hard not to get ****faced too early in the evening.

There are lots of people I'd love to meet from here. Although he's not around, I've already invited Comus and his GF along for an England/Wales canal boat trip which sadly didn't happen this year, but I'm still hoping to do it next summer. I'm sure meeting him would be like meeting an old friend - a slightly obnoxious one in a good way. Although he's less obnoxious, the same I think would go for Pantseater and I can just picture him pouring over me monologues about obscure bands and albums I should check out. Meeting LoathsomePete would be awesome .. I'd love to have a chat about the cheesier things in life like 90s comics and tabletop RPGs I could find out if he really is my long lost brother.

As for Jackhammer, I think we'd end up in a more deep conversation about important things like kids and where we're headed in life until we get more drunk and start celebrating our love for the sauce instead. When it gets late, we might start ordering some weird things from the bar. I'm sure there are some things one should try in England and I know some things myself that I'd like to show others. I also think we'd enjoy a lot of the same classics from the jukebox.

If I ever meet Boo Boo and Mr Dave, I'm sure we'd end up talking about video games although I have a lot of music tastes in common with Boo as well and I'd like to compliment him on his excellent prog thread. If I ever meet Lateralus, we would probably end up talking about our time as students and experiences on the high latitudes and I'm sure me and Vegangelica could talk a lot about pets and perhaps I'd drill her a bit about the kind of work she does.

I think me and Molecules would push eachother to new depths of fun and depravity. We could paint some poor town red.

I'd mention all of you but the post would get too lengthy. If someone ever decides to organize a get-together, I'll do my best to be there.
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