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Old 11-25-2009, 03:56 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post

2. College Students
Out of all the ridiculous things I've had to witness, I think being in college and having a pair of eyeballs ranks up there in the tops.
I'm not talking about kids doing stupid stunts, or drinking themselves to death. No... I'm talking about the kids who are paying a lot of money to do absolutely nothing but surf the internet and play games ALL DAY and then fail a test, and then bitch and complain about their grades.
I sit here and hear these kids pissing and moaning about how they can't understand what's being taught, how they can't pass the tests, and how mad they are at me for getting 100% on my tests and screwing their chances of having a grade curve.
I even offered to help one kid study but told him he'd have to type the key points... He said "No that's too much work." and resumed watching Beyonce' music videos.
You dumb fuckers are here for a degree, and you cheat to pass tests... and can't even succeed at that 80 percent of the time, and you expect to get a good job huh? Well... fine. Get your foot in the door. Then when they start to suspect you're a fraud and fire you because you have absolutely no knowledge about the very field you have a fucking degree in? Well.. You're gonna be serving me chicken nuggets at McDonald's in 2 years, jackass.
Parents... don't send your kids to college until they've actually had their own apartment, worked for their own rent, food, and bills, and learned that they actually have to expend effort in order to survive and prosper. Let them learn how to be an adult before you spend money on their higher education. Seriously, if you do, you'll be investing your money in something that isn't going to embarrass you. Because your kids, most of them, they're fucking embarrassing.
i must confess that i used to be that way until this year when i got a real kick in the pants from my teachers, other students and my family that this isn't a game anymore and this is really something i have to work for. in other words i had a choice to either man up, work as hard as i can and not f*ck up in school or just quit it all and lead myself to a future of mediocrity and waste, so i went for the first option and things have gotten much better for me in my studies. granted i'm not really a workaholic, i still take the odd break from time to time to ease my nerves, but at this moment i'm really better off than last year or even last semester and for the first time in months i'm actually glad to be studying in the field i chose.

EDIT: actually throughout the slew of all nighters trying to catch up and the fact that i spent about as much time and sometimes even more at school than home redeeming myself to my teachers and trying to prove that i'm not a f*ckup, there were times this year where i really dropped the ball on things that i really could handle that i really wish i could go back and fix. still, i guess that's just something i have to learn from and try next time.

i guess what i'm trying to say is there were sacrifices i had to make to get to where i am today, and whie i do regret some of them, i'm still thankful to be where i am now.

i hope that wasn't too exhausting to read for anyone
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?

Last edited by Antonio; 11-25-2009 at 04:11 PM.
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