Music Banter - View Single Post - The Musicbanter 2009 Awards - Nominations Round
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Old 11-29-2009, 04:22 PM   #21 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,845

  • Smartest poster - The forums smartest member
    I don't know, maybe VEGANGELICA because she's a scientist and writes long, thought-out responses.
  • Most Missed Poster - The one you miss the most of members who went away.
    I always wish Davey Moore was here to continue his thread.
  • Best Journal - The best journal
    Probably An Alternative View of the 1960's, but there's way too many good ones.
  • Biggest Drama Whore - The member who most often surrounds him or herself with drama
    booboo.... but in a good way
  • Sexiest Member - The member with the most sex-appeal
    Pretty much everybody here... I guess a tie between dreadnaught and Lateralus
  • Best argumentalist - The member who's best at discussing and communicating intelligently
    Freebase Dali
  • Biggest music nerd - The member who's most knowledgeable about music
    Urban is at least able to act like the most knowledgeable
  • Biggest wacko - The craziest member on the site
    Murder Junkie even though he barely posts
  • Funniest member - The guy or gal who most often makes you laugh!
    Wolverinewolfweiselpigeon easily
  • Nicest member - The kindest member, always treats people with respect and makes an effort to be nice
  • Biggest Troll - The member who's presence anywhere in the forums is most disruptive
    Rickenbacker (Just kidding but seriously...)
  • Biggest contributor - The member who's posts and threads have contributed the most to the overall quality of the site
    jackhammer or Bulldog
  • Most virtuosic - The member with the highest level of skill with an instrumental ability
    I've only heard Lateralus' music really, so I can't judge
  • Best avatar - The member who ever had 2009's coolest avatar
    I'm with the others, Molecules' Marilyn Monroe avatar
  • Moderator of the Year - The moderator who's work and efforts are the most appreciated
  • Best new 2009 member - Your favourite member from those who joined the site in 2009!
    Kayleigh or NumberNineDream
  • Member of the Year - The member we love the most
    Bulldog, his posts are always nice, his threads are great, and he's always ready to upload an album. Plus he reminded me about MB after I created an account and forgot about it.
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