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Old 11-30-2009, 05:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
Music Addict
Dieselboy's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 608

1. What age group do you fall into? (18- 25) (25- 30) (30- 40) (40- 45) (45- 55) (55- 65)

2. What is your gender? M or F

3. What genres of music do you listen to?
Anything Electronica, Metal, Jazz, Classical, Hip-Hop, anything else that sounds good.

4. How often do you listen to music? (Very Little) (Sometimes) (Most of the time)(All the time)
Most of the time.

5. Where do you listen to music (Ex. School, Work, Car, etc.)?
Work, Car, Free-time.

6. Why do you listen to music?
Could write forever about this.

7. Do you purchase music?

8. How do you prefer to listen to music (Ex. Mp3 player, Stereo, Car, etc.)?

Probably Car I guess.

9. Where do you go to buy your music?
Amazon and ebay. Occasionally I'll pick stuff up at Best Buy or Hastings.

10. How much do you spend monthly on average on Music?
$75-100 on average I guess, but it can vary alot.

11. Do you prefer to buy just songs or full albums?

12. Do you download music?

13. How do you download music?
Torrents/blogs/myspace, etc

14. Do you pirate music (if no skip to question18)?

15. Why do you pirate music?
Alot of times there's no other way to hear albums before buying them.

16. How many songs do you think you have pirated?
Over 9000

17. Do you feel guilty about pirating music?
A little, but not enough to stop, because I end up buying what I enjoy usually.

18. Do you know the affect that piracy has on the music industry?

I hear cd sales are on the decline.

19. Are you up to date on piracy laws?

20. Do you think pirating affects artists in a major way?
It really is hard to say, you could argue both ways. But probably...><

21. Are there any positive sides to pirating?
Obviously you can become a fan of an artist you might not have heard othewise. It's happened to me more times that I can count.

22. What are the negatives to pirating?
It's too easy to do, and some people only DL and never buy I guess. Even when they'll say they are big fans of the artist.

23. Does pirating in your opinion affect the cost of purchasing music?
Yeah, cd prices will probably drop. I've also seen artists try to make their albums more attractive lately though, with cool bonus's like raised/unique cd covers, bigger booklets, t-shirts thrown in with purchases, etc. Which is pretty cool too.

24. Do you think that it is fair to pirate when people purchase music?
As I said before...I think it's fair to download if you are doing it with the mindset that you'll buy if you really really enjoy it.

25. Do your Parents, Grandparents, or Guardians pirate?
Haha, no. ><
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