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Old 12-01-2009, 02:22 PM   #6 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 69

Very cool, thanks I will check those out right now while I am typing.

Yeah, you pretty much nailed what I am doing schizotypic. Lol also I took the journal part literally. Oh and I guess being bipolar is manageable :P. If by that you mean my mood swings are so uncalled for that it costs me friendships, you got it hehe.

I have been writing music all day, and am failing at writing happy songs! My fiance really wants me to write a happy song, because, well, most of my songs are about death. I am not a dogmatic person. I just over prepare :P.
All kidding aside, I think all artists should write about what is most important to them. We should write more about real
things. Not who stole your car, or how much you like maple syrup. As you see the happy song isn't coming out today lol.

Yes Guster is awesome. I love them, not just because they make great music and have amazing harmonies, but because they are so HUMBLE. Most other artists I listen to forget, or already have forgotten what making music was about. Its about love, passion, and those goosebumps you have when you have a revelation. Not about a pay check.
Anyways, now I'm rambling on.

Take it easy,
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