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Thread: The BNP
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Old 12-03-2009, 07:12 AM   #28 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by loveissucide View Post
For wages they wouldn't work for too.Even in this recession,the Poles are holding on to their jobs for the simple reason they're better employees then local workers who refused them when they had the chance.
Wherever you go in the EU its the same. The locally born people won`t do the jobs that they deem inferior either and certainly not for the low wages that the immigrants are paid, at times the wages that immigrants are paid are not as bad as some make out, admittedly the hours they work can be long.

When there`s a recession such as now and the locals are losing their jobs, they start crying for blood about how immigrants are nicking all the jobs etc....its all quite pathetic really. They don`t seem to realize, that if they lowered their standard of living and cut out the excesses (excessive spending) they too could also survive on the wages that many immigrants are paid, then there would be no need to bring immigrants over in the first place.
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