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Old 12-03-2009, 11:39 PM   #7 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 69


Anyways, I have been in a great limbo in life of what I want. What I need. What I crave.
I have found a resolution! Let others tell me what I want!
Just kidding. I am a huge fan of theories. Any kind of theory. Whether it be from theoretical physics, or theoretical music! I don't know what it is about it, but it makes me go wild and crave more knowledge. Oh there I even used the word crave.
Now this leaves me with one dilemma. I must readmit to my college. Or go to a community college. I am best at English, and I know this, but regardless I keep writing run-on sentences lol its so much fun. Science is my worst subject, it always has been. I get discouraged at the changing facts, and fatal flaws I see in it. Not as discouraged I am with religion. I had to throw in some controversy

Seriously though- If anyone has any advice for me, and I know that most people on this spinning rock have felt as ambivalent as I have, then don't be afraid to take hold of your keyboard and finger away.

What I want: To be happier than Hugh Hefner on his birthday.
What I need: Friends, Love, Enough money to be comfortable, and MUSIC
What I crave: Power. Not scary power, just power over my own life and a few million people. Just kidding. I do crave power, and I won't lie about it. Call it a flaw, I'll call it drive.

Take it easy,
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