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Old 12-04-2009, 12:29 AM   #663 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
I definitely agree with you on this one. The desire for female hairlessness is a strange obsession
I don't think it is strange at all, even if women aren't naturally smoother than men, we just prefer them to be that way. If I really cared about being as natural as possible I would be like you but I'm not.

I mean, just because some women can grow beards or moustaches dosen't mean they should.

Ha ha! The whole last two pages of hair commentary made me laugh till I cried! I especially like your "interior decorating theory" for exterior hair decoration, boo boo (the curtains and drapes analogy).
You're welcome.

And what about eyelashes? For eyelashes, the "male = hairy, female = hairless" steretype breaks down. Odd, no? Example: male cartoon animal characters typically lack lashes, while even female cartoon frogs are given long fluttering impossibility that always irks me SINCE FROGS DON'T HAVE HAIR!!!!!!!!
I really have nothing against gender roles in cartoons, even if some can be considered sexist. As an animation buff, I can understand why cartoonists continue to do stuff like that.

Because it's a bit more challenging to distinguish the sexes in a cartoon and since children aren't as good at noticing feminine/masculine features as adults it helps for animators to give them more obvious gender clues.

And since giving characters massive boobs isn't PC for some people, eyelashes and pretty dresses is the easiest way to go about it. I mean, without the bow, dress and eyelashes Mickey and Minnie would look exactly the same. But Minnie needed something to make her distinguishable as female after all.

I mean imagine if Walt did give her boobs, all of his friends would have accused him of being a furry.

I had a (now dead) friend in high school with whom I was discussing men's and women's skin years ago, and I said something naive like, "Oh, men's skin on their faces is rough" (having never touched any man's skin at that time). He then replied, "If men shave off their hair, their skin is just as soft." I thought that was very profound. I certainly looked at his chin a lot more after that.
Well, while that is true, I still consider it a desirable feminine feature. And I hope I don't come off as sexist to you because of that, it's just what me and a lot of men find attractive.

I like soft skin on anyone. Hair can be soft, too, though. I agree with you, AwwSugar: I dislike stubbly prickles because they hurt. How often does one have to shave one's head to maintain a smooth, silky gloss, boo boo? And wouldn't people get...scalp nicks? Do you have to walk around with little bits of bloody toilet paper on your head for several hours after a head shave?

I have never seen anyone do that.


You asked the right person babeh, thankfully my fetish has given me quite a bit of insight on this topic.

Sometimes stuble pops up in about a week, maybe faster, it really depends on the person. A lot of people like to do it daily.

Some important tips.

1. If you want to do a smooth razor shave, then of course you need to use an electric razor to get stubble down to a reasonable level and to make smooth shaving easier.
2. Get your scalp wet, this helps prevent razor bumps, a good lubricant like shaving cream or shaving oil also helps.
3. If you haven't done it before you might need a friend to do it for you, because the back of your head is gonna be especially tricky.
4. It's best to start with the easy stuff first, the thickest and most stubborn hair to get out is on the back of the head and neck, so do that last.
5. Most importantly, go with the grain.
6. Aftershave isn't really necessary after a headshave, just washing your scalp will do, though if you do feel a little irritation some (alcohol free) aftershave or skin care lotion will help.
7. But DO NOT use anything with alcohol in it, the skin on your scalp is very sensitive and alcohol will just make it dry and irritated.

Otherwise, unless you have really curly or thick/oily hair you shouldn't have to worry about razor bumps too much, depending on your skillz, the scalp being a perfectly round and solid serface makes it much easier to shave than other parts of the body.

I've seen some women who are so skilled at it that they can do it without a mirror, and leaving nothing behind.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 12-05-2009 at 01:42 AM.
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