Music Banter - View Single Post - Ugly Things People Do/Wear To Look Attractive
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:48 AM   #668 (permalink)
Axiomatic Wiki
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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Posts: 99

Ok, but then you're saying that if a certan kind of music is for stupid people, you're saying everyone who likes it is stupid. So you're mocking people over music that you don't like, but probably means a whole lot on an emotional level to them.
I did not mean that at all, all I am saying is that being a musical elitist is not the same as being an apparel elitist, because the motives behind the two are different. I think when it comes to forms of art, one has a legit reason to put others down(this of course is purely a subjective opinion of mine). When it comes to something that has little to do with art, and more to do with our primal urges, subjective opinion(which imo is what makes art beautiful) is not nearly as important.

Whatever, it's just opinions, that's what the forum is for, and I don't see why any topic should be out of bounds. If you don't like the morals behind discussing a certain topic, then don't post in that thread.
Certainly I can post my opinion about a thread in a thread without seeming to far out of bounds? I do admit my purpose in my posting was just to express my low opinion of the thread, but I believe that to be a legit reason for posting. However, I am still new here and if that kind of conduct is not generally accepted here I will generally conform to the way things generally are and refrain from such actions in the future.
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