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Thread: Perfect Pitch
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Old 12-06-2009, 01:53 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
Its really not. If a person can listen to a pitch and instantly know the exact pitch then they have it.

For instance when the air conditioner beeped in theory class our music teacher told us it was an f sharp.


The only time this meaning gets hazy is when people have very good relative pitch. From what iv seen and heard its nearly impossible to get perfect pitch unless our born with it, but you can get great relative pitch so that its not really a big deal.
Exactly, perfect pitch isn't subjective because what defines what pitch something is cannot be changed. For example if RezZ's music teacher heard the air conditioner beep and identify it has an F sharp, you can't turn around and say, no it is a G - one of them would have to be wrong.

Some people are born with the ability to posses perfect pitch, but I do think you can train yourself to have very good if not perfect pitch. I remember when I was younger and taking piano lessons, my piano teacher would play a note and we would have to identify the note. It was bloody difficult and not something I picked up easily at all.

But to answer the original question... yes, it is possible for people to obtain or have perfect pitch but personally I don't think it necessarily makes them better musicians nor do I think it is a skill necessary in order to be a musician. Perfect pitch is not subjective but whether it is imperative to being a musician is.
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