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Old 12-09-2009, 10:25 PM   #15 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by pourmeanother View Post
Aesop Rock and Sage Francis. I've tried Aesop dozens of times, and only gotten into "Daylight" and "None Shall Pass". As for Sage, every time I pop in on him I fail to find a track that stands out. I know both have a decent following here.
Start with None Shall Pass, it's not his best one, but it has the catchiest and most accessible beats. Don't listen to people telling you his lyrics aren't as good on it, he's incredibly consistent. After None Shall Pass, try Labor Days, then Float. Anything after that is really up to you. Take time with each record, that's important; Aesop's lyrics can't be taken up in one listen, and the more you listen, you'll find new things. He has the most dense lyrical content in hip hop.

Do not miss the fact that Aesop Rock is probably the most emotional rapper ever. Don't listen to people who say he doesn't make sense - he does. He paints pictures that exceed the norm. When you listen for details, you'll be amazed at what you find - yes, the textural alliteration, the images, the rhymes, the references, the creative flow.

If you're really interested in Aesop Rock and you have trouble getting into him, then you can try getting into Illogic first. Illogic is like Aesop Rock, but more straightforwardly emotional. Learn to love him first, and getting into Aesop Rock will be a lot easier.

I'm going to give you some tracks that he's featured in, so he only has a verse or two, and it'll be easier to digest one verse.

As I know you're a fan of Slug, I think you'll enjoy this:


As far as Sage Francis goes... I dunno, I don't like him much. He seems like a broke man's Aesop Rock to me, but I still recommend him to people and stuff like that. Personal Journals is probably the album of his that I liked most.
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