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Old 12-09-2009, 10:51 PM   #6 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by Stu View Post
I'm unashamedly idealistic and tradional in my views of marriage. I guess you could say a romanticist. I think marriage is a glorification of the sanctity of that special relationship i think is out there for everybody. It's a symbolisation of the love and commitment you have for one another and a declaration to the world of your unity.

This is where i'm told to shut up, but i find the whole concept of finding that special one and sealing the bond with such a ritual as a comforting light at the end of a dark, twisting and unpredictable tunnel. It's a solidarity and a calm (unless you marry a twat, in which case there's nobody to blame but your impatient self) amongst a life full of the unexpectated.

This, i am sure, will all change when my future wife files for divorce and robs me of the millions ive earnt from my genius, but for now a guy can cling to his ideals.
I agree with this completely. Surprisingly having been married for 5 years and divorced for less than one hasn't robbed me of the same idealism. Marriage isn't for everybody, and it's not for every couple. I think a couple has to have the dynamic of a great partnership, and each spouse has to be mindful of their own contribution in order for it to work, but I can say that the lessons I learned in life came from my experience of being married, as well as going through a divorce. All idealism aside, You quickly find out that commitment often equates to work and sacrifice for the good of your partner, and the marriage as a whole. I don't mean for that to sound like a bad thing at all. It really is the essence of what love is all about. A lot of boys and girls go into marriage and quickly find out it's definitely an institution meant for adults. I can speak for myself and say that I was far too immature for the experience. I'm very open to being married again in the future.

If you do have the opportunity to to be robbed of all your millions by your soon to be ex-wife give it all away willingly, selflessly, and with as big a smile as you can muster, because the experience will be worth much more than that in the future.
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