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Old 12-16-2009, 09:30 AM   #16 (permalink)
Burning Down
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
sounds to me like there are lots of parents (or parent groups) who want the government to raise their children for them. not really sure why those individuals chose to become parents in the first place.

the biggest problem with self policing the internet is that more often than not the kids know more about it than the parents. that's obviously changing now, but all the old school net 'protection' programs could EASILY be circumvented with just a right click. if the app isn't running the 'protection' is no longer in place. there's NO WAY a horny teenager would figure out how to do that for free porn. nope. no way.
Those "protection" programs are mainly for children under 12 in my opinion, because they're still impressionable and they really have no reason to be viewing adult content on the Internet anyways.
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