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Old 01-04-2010, 11:58 PM   #58 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by Mirrorball95 View Post
Really? The first time I heard that song, I just thought it was really sh1t and have hated it ever since.

Hey! I used to see that AdultSwim programme all the time on the tv at about midnight just before I used to go to bed (I used to work early shifts) but never actually watched it & still havent. That link didnt seem to work, what is it anyway, I heard its some kind of cartoon.

I bet you you could play the first video on radio and people wouldnt even notice lol.

I pished myself at the Santa Claus one & also the 'high as ****' one.

Cheers man! By the way what is the guys name again?

EDIT: Really? So people went there expecting proper music and got hit with this? lol classic. They should do it at Westlife concerts just to piss the sad fans off.
Also it scares me how these groups such as Take That & co actually sell out stadiums. Also when they broke up the first time, people were actually commiting suicide and shiit.
thanks for info
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