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Old 01-05-2010, 04:04 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I used to have such a big problem with ghosts when I was around 13 to the point where it basically controlled my life.

I had always had problems with ghosts before then and when I was in maybe 4th grade went to therapy because of them. I can remember it starting in 2nd grade where I had a nightmare. In the dream I was at my cousins house and there was a big family party. My Dad had to step outside into the night to take a phone call and I decided to go out with him for whatever reason. He went in and left me out there and from the darkness this figure emerged. It was a lady without a face in a brown dress. I can remember waking up immediately in a cold sweat and running into my parents room.
I began to see that lady whom I saw in that dream in other places along with seeing more ghosts. There had always been about 3 that were reoccurring in my old house.

When I moved to the current house I live in when I was 13 it all kind of came back to me. The house is about 50 years old and has 12 acres. Having 12 acres where I live is pretty rare. Anyway when I got here I started to see a new set of ghosts which freaked me out to the point where I would refuse to be left home alone and needed someone close by in the house at all times.

I went to therapy once again but it wasn't only for the ghosts this time, I had really bad anxiety problems and I've come to the conclusion that both times when I had problems with the ghosts it was due to my anxieties because now that my anxieties are fully conquered I don't see any.

But I believe in ghosts. I'm not sure how much those situations influenced my opinion but from further reading I came to the conclusion. Usually when I try to explain my opinion on it in tends to not make any sense so I'm not sure how far I want to get into it. It always sounds better in my head.

I would explain it myself but due to the fact that when I do explain my feelings on this matter it tends to sound really far fetched.

I really want to make it known that I don't base my opinions off of this youtube video, I don't agree with everything he is saying. I could go into great detail about his book but I just think the easiest way for me to explain is to just show this.

I was kind of reluctant to post in this thread, and post the video, because I think I'm going to take some heat because people may think I completely base my theories off of a youtube video but that is not the case at all. I just want to make it clear.

If ghosts do exist I agree that it would be a big relief and I also think that it kind of makes sense that ghosts exist.

Last edited by BTown; 01-05-2010 at 04:12 PM.
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