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Old 01-05-2010, 06:33 PM   #2049 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Yea I would always have my eyes closed on Salvia. The intensity of those trips were far more insane than any acid or shroom trip I've ever had, and I've had some massively intense acid/shroom trips.
But the Salvia trip is just so short lived. Thank god. It's hugely scary. Words can't even explain what you see. It's another dimension altogether and it's like it's woven together as a fabric of all your repressed memories, fears, wonders, everything. It's just too dumbfounding to rationalize and by the time you come out of it, you barely remember what happened.
That sounds very similar to my DMT experiences. After the first pull from the pipe there was an instant change in perception--my body felt heavier, my heart started beating faster and everything and everyone around me looked alien and surreal. At this point I would shut my eyes and takes as many more hits from the pipe as I could and hold my breath for as long as possible and what happens after that is almost too ridiculous to describe with words. I immediately feel like I've disconnected from my body--I'm floating in this strange inter-dimensional space, a massive void with faintly colored geometrical patterns (chrysanthemum) swaying to a very slow rhythm. Then came a bombardment of images. Everything I'd ever seen--from bits of pop-culture to my parents to flashes of events and situations from my past--was materializing from deep within the void and hurtling towards me. That all lasted probably a minute or so when what I can best describe as one of those giant worms from the desert-areas in Final Fantasy sort of stretched itself out from the void--it was still overlaid with the same geometric, graph-like pattern that was covering everything else. This thing led me somewhere, not sure exactly where. Everything remained sort of darkened and I was still in the void area but now there were giant, shining bodies of water--like a lake or something when the sun is hitting it an it is reflecting all the light. I wandered through this with the worm for a while when the effects started to wean. Coming down you just feel weird as fuck. You sort of just sit there bewildered wondering when you'll be able to come to terms with what you just experienced.

Last edited by bungalow; 01-05-2010 at 06:41 PM.
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