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Thread: Kids are Stupid
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:21 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I think it was generally established many times over in the old physical discipline thread that corporal punishment is not a particularly good way to discipline young. Those who don't believe it should trawl through that thread and look up the many sources. Of all the research papers there which studied the effects of corporal punishment, not a single one supported it as better than the alternatives. Instead, they indicated that kids who recieve corporal punishment behave worse, more often become criminal, find it harder to trust adults, have a higher chance of becoming violent both in young age and old and have a much higher chance of getting physically abused.

Many of physical discipline's defenders seem to be it's victims who perpetuate that form of punishment for the generations to come. Incidentally, many circles of bad behaviour and are kept alive much the same way. It requires no logic, that way of doing things is coded into you from a young age and something in the core of your being which is not solely controlled by logic ends up believing that's how you do things regardless if it's good or bad.

In many countries in the world, like where I live and where Lateralus lives, it's illegal and I think the rest should learn from that.

If you honestly feel that kids today are misbehaving and more corporal punishment is the answer, then you're a bit of a tit. Supposedly, in America it's still the prevalent form of punishment so if that's where you are, then you should consider blaming it for the problems rather than looking at it as a solution. However, all that aside, through modern history earlier generations have always complained about the young, even when that kind of punishment was the norm. Society changes really fast now. They're not growing up in the same world you and I did. They enjoy other freedoms, learn other values - and they're kids. A good slice of morons has always been part of that cake. Especially as they get into their early teens.
Thank you, for pretty much explaining what I've been meaning to say, only much better than I could have.

Seriously, kids are annoying, but since when has corporal punishment been a legitimate thing to do?
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