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Old 01-15-2010, 09:05 PM   #419 (permalink)
Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
I truly understand this and can relate to it. I guess this is why the eye thing bothers me so much now. Because at the time of my life when I was shy and found it extremely hard to talk to people, I was crushed when I would finally open up to them, only to have them look away while I was talking.

I suppose the real issue isn't them not making eye contact, but rather making it obvious that they aren't paying attention to the conversation at hand. And I just think eye contact is a good way to make a person feel that you are engaged in the convo. Know whadamean?
Yeah, that's why I try to look at their face at least, instead of just looking away. Sometimes I do, and it keeps annoying me the whole day, feeling that I may have bothered that other person.
However, one month ago, one of our teachers was speaking to me and I held eye contact, though it usually freaks me out when a teacher is making eye-contact with me during his lecture. I felt really proud of myself.

I guess what always annoyed me, is the double-standard that school teachers keep regard the whole eye contact thing. Like if they're shouting at you and you're looking in their eyes they'd snap a "Look at the floor when I'm talking to you!". But if we're looking at the floor they'd snap even more with "Look at me when I'm talking to you!".
... so usually when I'd look at them I'd just burst in laughter, cause their deformed angry face always seemed surreal.
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