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Old 01-16-2010, 05:57 PM   #442 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post

Anyhoo, don't feel like doing another one so just quick thoughts about some things.
I totally understand the phone thing, I can only handle a phone conversation with people I'm very intimate with (like my siblings), but a conversation with other people causes severe stress, even with people I've known for years. I'm not a very good conversationalist and I cannot stand the awkward silences which any sort of lag in the conversation brings about. The silence is deafening and makes me sweat profusely. I've made that clear to most people I hang out with and communicate whatever needs to be communicated with text messages except this one friend who continues to traumatize me every time she calls me on the phone on special occasions like Christmas and birthdays. *shudders*

Second thing is the handshake. Absolutely cannot stand the limp handshake but equally loath the overzealous firm handshake which some assholes tend to utilize as some sort of caveman gesture of establishing power and dominance. You absolutely can tell a lot about people from a handshake and I try to stay away from both.
A good, firm handshake is what's needed. Nothing too crazy but I also don't want to feel like I'm shaking a dead fish.

As for phone conversations, I love awkward pauses. Frequently I'll be talking to a friend and there will be 5 minute pauses where nobody says anything, but we're both still on the phone.
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