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Old 01-18-2010, 05:37 PM   #447 (permalink)
Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: The land of the largest wine glass (aka Lebanon)
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Originally Posted by The Abracadaver View Post
I figure this would be a good way for people to get to know I copied mine directly from facebook.

1. My favorite color is red and my least favorite is brown.
2.I like an incredible amount of nerdy stuff like anime and manga and comic books like Ultimate Spiderman and Deadpool.
3. I refuse to watch shows like House, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, etc etc.
4. I get scared and surprised way too easily for my own good, yet continue to watch tons of horror movies.
5. I love to sing. I just hate doing it in front of most people.
6. I really like undergound techno music.
7. I still enjoy playing Pokemon handheld games A LOT. Seriously, they're incredibly fun.
9. (inside joke)
10. I hate the complete lack of musical culture in my home town. There are very few people here who actually have an understanding of music culture and whatnot.
11. I say weird and random things to people I don't know and love it.
12. I'm a little too sensitive sometimes. Other times I'm the complete opposite.
13. I will punish you if you act all ****ing cool when the Watchmen/Scott Pilgrim movies come out and you jump on them like you know everything about them. I WAS INTO THIS **** BEFORE IT BECAME A ****ING TREND YOU *******
14. I am a jerk.
15. Well, I guess I can be really nice, too.
16. I am an ex-/b/tard.
17. I spend too much time on the computer.
18. I freakin' LOVE the smell of cinnamon and vanilla.
19. I think I get off on pain and horror. Not in a sexual way, but sometimes it's fun! Like careening off of a ramp made of ice and hitting the ground. Hard. That's fun!
20. Unlike a lot of teenage boys, I don't really give two ****s about shiny, pretty cars. I just want something that...goes.
21. I love all my close friends like family. I guess they don't always realize it, though.
22. I am kind of anti-government in a way...sort of. ANARCHYYYYYYY HAHAHAHAHA SHURR
23. I have a fuggin' sweet tooth.
24. Deadpool is AWESOME.
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