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Old 01-19-2010, 03:32 AM   #43 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Our energy doesn't simply dissipate into the atmosphere. I mean, some will as we lose heat to the environment post mortem, but most of it is of course tied up in our bodies in the shape of proteins, fat and so on. You either have to wait for the worms to do their job or make sure you're cremated.

You say we are energy, that the self is energy. I don't think that's exactly true either, it's just we need energy to work - to think basically. If you turn the power off on your computer, it still has the files and stuff on it. It just can't process them, delete or write any new ones. If a person is dead, he or she is turned off and can't process information .. But if that person is recussitated, switched back on - unless the brain is too damaged and can't be accessed, the self is still there.

Some animals like certain insects and springtails can be frozen solid for years and there's almost nothing going on in their cells and they can function perfectly well if they survive thawing.

I mean, there are certainly viewpoints from which you can argue very logically that we are energy - for example the whole "matter vs. energy", two sides of the same coin and so on. But if you say that who you are dissipate when you're dead, I don't think that's what you're getting at. I think it's more correct to say that dying turns you off. Then the you becomes inaccessible from brain death and disintegrates when the cells and their contents break down or are consumed by whatever - fire or animals for example.
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