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Old 01-20-2010, 03:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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I prefer a digital format because it makes traveling incredibly easy. I don't need to fumble around with CD's in the car or have to worry about them getting scratched or damaged. While .mp3's can become corrupted, they're easily replaceable. I also have to take into account the massive amount of space I save not having a CD rack. Having everything on an external hard drive makes transferring music over to other people a painless process (unless they're using a Mac in which case I have to reformat my HDD so the Mac can read it). While I do miss out on the album artwork, I feel the convenience that comes with the digital format far outweighs the negative aspects.

Collecting vinyl was fun for awhile, but I never really got the full enjoyment out of the process because my record player was a piece of shit, I had to tweak the stereo receiver just right for the sound, and the entire thing took up a lot of room. When I did get everything set up right the sound was quite impressive, but I'm not an audiophile so it only impressed me for a short while before the cons began to add up.
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