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Old 01-22-2010, 12:21 PM   #19 (permalink)
million dollar basher
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 184

I've seen quite a few posts suggesting that punk artists tend to lean left, at least for the most part, and I disagree with some confidence. Some may claim that they endorse and embrace leftist ideology, but isn't one of the most prominent themes in punk the incompetent and sinister nature of government and the forces that try to stifle creativity and individualism? Though right-wingers tend to sympathize with this view, it's an issue that really crosses party lines, isn't it? I think that punk music, by and large, is a medium that, theoretically, allows artists to demonstrate social ills and injustice wherever they may find it. It(punk) does not, or should not rather, adhere to a set of strict political views. At that point it ceases to be punk, which is in all rights a very individualist movement. In fact, at that point it ceases to be music, or an abstract expression of anything other than some sad brand of politics. Personally, I think this thread is self-defeating.
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