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Old 01-23-2010, 12:37 PM   #12 (permalink)
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IMO, there are two reasons the Beatles will never be topped.
First is the level of controversy they raised. In modern times, the only bands to create any sort of controversy are shock rockers like Marilyn Manson, and even then it's usually by the overly religious right-wing groups who's opinions don't really count for much. The controversial music of today doesn't have the broad appeal of the Beatles who were loved by everyone from 12 year old girls, to middle aged men. Someone like Manson certainly won't have that broad an audience.

Secondly, they were truly revolutionary. Today, all that would mean is that as soon as a band comes out with an original sound, there are 3 million other bands who sound exactly the same signed and water down the experience. It took quite a while for the Beatles sound to be watered down by the likes of The Monkees, where today, an original band would have a million copy cats before the end of their first tour.

All that being said, I do like the nomination for the Barenaked Ladies. While they aren't 100% original, they really have stuck to their guns and made incredibly catchy pop songs that don't suck. They're also quite adept at writing songs that have depth, such as Light Up My Room, from the album Stunt.
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