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Old 01-23-2010, 05:51 PM   #3787 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 3,565

1. Why is it that no matter what colour bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
i don't know, some people say the cucumbers taste better pickled.
2. If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?
ask the projectionist.
3. Why do people constantly return to the fridge with hopes that something new to eat will have materialised?
fridges have been known to transport food to each other.
4. If prunes are dehydrated plums, where does prune juice come from?
prune on prune crime.
5. If there's a speed of sound and a speed of light is there a speed of smell?
believe it.
6. Do prison buses have emergency exits?
i hear they have emergency soap-on-a-rope.
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