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Old 02-01-2010, 03:54 PM   #3833 (permalink)
why bother?
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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1. You are about to die. What would you do with all of your worldly possessions?
Not really something I think about a lot. I'd donate as much as I could to charity I suppose.

2. Have you ever been mistaken for somebody famous? If so, who?
I've been told I look liked Cillian Murphy before.

3. Favourite day of the week and why?
Wednesday, if only for the nights. There are some great bargains in the clubs, everyone I know's out, and I don't have to get up early the following morning.

4. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the police? What for?

5. What's the very first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Stick a good album on, look through the notebooks on my desk, eat some canned fruit - I don't really keep track to be honest.

6. Three things that you always carry with you:
Wallet, phone and keys.

I'm gonna do the other four, just 'cos I'm in that kinda mood...

7. Have you ever been in hospital? If so, what for?
Not lately, but I had meningitis when I was a nipper. I've actually got a slightly curved lower back from all the spinal fluid they had to extract as per the treatment, which probably hurt just a little bit.

8. What is something that you wish you were better at?
Self-motivation. I'd have got so much stuff done this last week if I could only be bothered.

9. Last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

10. Furthest place you've ever traveled from home?
Vermont I think. Don't really remember a lot about it though.
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