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Old 02-04-2010, 05:54 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
??? Special Duties are not NS. I don't think they even associated with any RAC bands. Warfare 88 & Forward Area, on the split I referenced in the OP, comes closest to discussing race on the track "Illegal Aliens", but even then it doesn't single out wetbacks.

That being stated, I'd call White Power/NAZI punk bands right-wing, so I suppose you can include them in this category, but they're not the only bands up for the discussion.


To expand, and give you an idea....

Samchung are a far-right Korean band. Their name itself is a reference to the re-education centers maintained by a rather unpopular dictator of the past. Are they NAZI or White Pride punks? Of course not, but they still qualify.

Sniper are a far-right wing Finnish band. They have a song entitled "White Racist Christ", which should give you an idea of their ideology. They qualify.

Yes, I'm starting to get it. As for Special Duties - I had never heard of them before so I was only talking about the others, and not the lyrics to those particular songs but just their association with the NS and WP movements in general.
And thanks for responding, I wasn't trying to goad you into making racist statements or anything (but you did it anyway). In fact, I believe that you have the right to hate whoever you want to hate for whatever reason. I've got a new question. When I asked if beating hippies was your way of standing up to cops you replied with..

It's one method, that's for sure.
So, again...what the fuck? What does one thing have to do with the other?
I don't believe punks have the right to stomp on hippies no matter how scummy they are. If cops are "harassing" you by throwing you in jail for stomping on people, well.. that's their job really. And people shouldn't get stomped on just for being a hippie. So another serious question is: Why do you stomp on hippies? How does that 'correct the situation'?
Like an arrow,
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