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Old 02-04-2010, 06:42 PM   #3846 (permalink)
super cool
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 806

1. You are about to die. What would you do with all of your worldly possessions?
I really don't have anything of value that I can think of. But things that meant a lot to me I'd give to family and close friends. Stuff like my first teddy bear.
2. Have you ever been mistaken for somebody famous? If so, who?
I am a celebrity.
3. Favourite day of the week and why?
Wednesdays are always nice. I never feel like I have to hang out with my friends (cause no one does anything on week damys) and I also don't have any obligations that day. I usually spend it sleeping or on here.
4. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the police? What for?
Never been arrested, but have been in trouble with the police a couple times like most people, mostly for just looking shady or out past curfew.

Early freshman year (of highschool) me and a couple of my friends put shit in this kids mailbox whom we didn't like. One of my friends went out in the woods and **** in a plastic bag and pissed himself laughing. Gross,but I was in hysterics when I heard it drop in the bag considering I was a couple feet away from the tree he did it behind. . Anyway we spent that night worrying about getting caught googling if it was possible for police to run tests on shit. Never got caught though just thought I'd share.
5. What's the very first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
depends. On a school day I go and eat breakfast then brush my teeth and shower. If there's no school I'll just brush my teeth and shower.
6. Three things that you always carry with you:
In school just a magnifying glass and a pen, everywhere I else I just take my magnifying glass and my phone.

best six pack.
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