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Old 02-08-2010, 10:42 PM   #61 (permalink)
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I've only bought two CD's this past decade, including offline and online purchases and I have over 300 albums. Cough, cough, just wanted to get the shame out of the way.

I do have quite a few physicals, most coming from friends, siblings and my parents which, obviously has accumulated over the years but I really can't be hassled to count them all. I do remember my first CD, though - Selena, haha. But that's not the point, point is, I don't buy any media anymore. Because 1. 'I'm broke' and 2., 'If I want only one song off their album while thinking the rest should be burned, I'm not going to pay for the entire thing.'

Wait, scratch the first paragraph - I did buy a few CD's last year because I was just in a 'hey i have cash, how about i support a band for once.' I would rebuy some Cd's I already downloaded but, well. Waste.
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