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Old 02-15-2010, 08:24 PM   #154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MAStudent View Post
It wasn't the first or last time he had to kill a dog he loved.

In the country, dogs encounter things like porcupines


that they try to bite and get the quills stuck all inside their mouth and head


wild hogs that rip them up/ gut with their tusks. Boars/ hogs are smarter than dogs, and up to 800 pounds or so

or bad people that try to poison them.

You could pay a vet a lot to kill them, but you might as well do it yourself. It is usually quick and as painless as possible to shoot an animal in the head, this time it just went wrong. The vet can make mistakes, too, you would just never know about it.
ya Ive seen hunting dogs get hogs cornered and the mess it makes.... Hogs are a force to be reckoned with. I think they are one of the animals people underestimate how dangerous they are. They are a pain in the ass to kill as well since they got that shoulder blade that is pretty much bullet proof for small calibers. Those tusk plus weight.... make them bulldozers with knives on the front.

We don't have porcupines here in the south.... So i never seen their destruction but damn that pic says it all.

I wouldn't say its painless considering usually the people shot their in head don't live to tell you whether it hurt or not.

We didnt have money for the vet that was one the big reasons, plus it is just the way its done when you live on a dirt road an hour away from anything... I guess thats what would be considered country. My dads saying was a shotgun shell costs a hell of alot less then a ride to the vet and the 50 bucks it would it cost to put it down. Considering how many animals we had it makes plenty sense to me. I just hated having to do it... It was my animal my dad made it a point to make me do it.

We had a 150 chickens and I think 10 turkeys at one time... I remember one day coming home from school with my dad to finding an entire pack of dogs, 7 of them, pretty much the whole communities dogs around us had got into the chicken Coup and killed every last one of them. They didnt eat them, they were running around and just killing them and moving on the to the next. My dad walked up put a concrete block over the hole they, went inside grab 2 shotguns one for me and one for him, I already knew what we were going to do. We killed everyone of them in that coup. We called the community to come get their dogs or we were going to bury them our selves.

Every person that came and got their dead dog didn't say a word but they knew that it was the rules where we lived that must be done, because once they got the taste of blood they would kill every chicken in the community. I buried 3 Dogs and 150 chickens and 9 turkeys that day. 1 Turkey Lived... We had him for like 5 years after that... That was the most bad ass turkey that every lived, it took like 6 months for his feathers to come back from where the dogs got of hold on him and would attack anyone who went into the coup with him.
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