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Old 02-19-2010, 01:11 PM   #4897 (permalink)
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Thanks for the replies, guys, I know it sounds very trivial but I've been sheltered for the majority of my life and my social contacts have been very limited so I feel like a bit of a newbie at all this. It takes practice to become a good people person and an essential part of it is, I think, to assume a different personality (I've rarely had the need to be duplicitous before). I'm sure this trail of thought is applicable here...somehow...
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
^ She sounds like a total bitch.

I wouldn't be proactive about helping Karma along, but at the very least, you shouldn't expect yourself to do her any favors until her attitude cleans up.

Some people have personal hangups that are of no reflection of you whatsoever, so I wouldn't take it personally unless she has a reason to be acting that way towards you. If you know she doesn't, then simply regard her attitude as a personality flaw and remain above it.
Just don't give her a reason to justify her attitude, and hopefully she'll see the where the blame truly lies. If not? Her loss.
Yeah, I did take it personally, how can you not take someone being rude to you personally? Also, I have a problem with masking my true feelings so her "statement" threw me off to such an extent that I couldn't even pretend to take it as a beneficial advice. I avoided eye contact and sort of muttered an agreement. Had I looked her in the eye it would have been an open declaration of hostility because my whole face was screaming displeasure and disagreement with her conduct. Wow, that was verbose. Look, another big word! Anyhow, in such a small office (5 people altogether in a fairly small space) there's no way I can be openly hostile with anyone so I have to make an effort to eat shit and like it, I'm starting to become painfully aware of that.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I've come across plenty of her sort in the past.

Does she have any actual authority over you, or is she just a work colleague playing a power trip?
She has authority in the sense that she's been there a year and a half longer so she knows how to do her job and is familiar with the "ropes" so to speak. But after my training period is over (it lasts 6 months in total) we'll do the same job and have the same "rank" so to speak.

Originally Posted by NumberNineDream View Post
@ Adidasss

Well sometimes, when my brother ask me for these kinds of insignificant favours, I just feel that "for god's sake I'm not your mother!". Now, as I've known my brother for all my life (so more than 19 years), I can get tired of these things once in a while. However, if one of my friends, that I've only known for few years (but still a good friend), I'd surely do them and even more. Maybe if they keep repeating these easy demands, I might get annoyed, but that's maybe after couple of years from now.
I think she's overreacting, but still, I'm sure she feels like she has some kind of responsibility towards you, and by being a bit severe she's teaching you to be independent (cause that is what I usually feel sometimes, but then I realise that it isn't my job, and assume that this person is an adult and make his own choices).

Btw, is your sister (and her friend) older than you? If so, that would explain this motherly responsibilities she's been feeling.
Ah, a contrary opinion. Yes, I can kindasorta see how underneath the ice-queen exterior she could have good (or even motherly, in a twisted sort of way. Yes she is older than me, by 4 years which isn't enough to warrant any feeling of superiority. And in any case, I absolutely disapprove of that kind of teaching method. Better to teach with love and kindness than to be a cunt "because the world is cruel so you best get ready". Yeah, no. ) intentions, but I can't agree with the approach. It's not necessary and actually (obviously) has a contrary effect. Instead of helping me, she's creating an environment where I don't feel comfortable and while that may be a part of growing up, to toughen up, the approach of the other colleagues (very friendly and easy going) is much more suited for my personality and for what I'm doing right now, which is learning and an absolute prerequisite of me progressing at an optimal pace is that I'm not afraid to ask any questions. Which she's pretty much ruined, at least with her.

Also, I know what you mean with regard to your sibling, but it's not the same. I can jokingly refuse to do something mine ask of me, but it's not malicious in any way, and anyway, as you say, there's enough of a friendship there so that kind of stuff won't be misinterpreted as hostility, which I feel her conduct is.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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