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Thread: Flogging Molly
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Old 02-21-2010, 04:57 PM   #39 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 965

Originally Posted by ElephantSack View Post
I went and saw Flogging Molly for the second time last night. I got wasted on Jameson, PBR and Jose Cuervo before the show and ended up vomiting in my brother's car on the way. After I vacuumed it out at a gas station, I was in prime condition for the show. We made it inside for the last couple songs of the opener, and it wasn't long before Flogging Molly hit the stage. My brothers and a few friends were in attendance, and we immediately started wrecking shit when they started up. The energy was boundless. A purveying sense of camaraderie and friendship was filling the place. Or was I just drunk? I eventually got kicked out for crowdsurfing (god forbid), and spent about a half hour outside in the cold with no shirt on until I made it back in. I made back down to the floor for the encore, and again, I proceeded to wreck more shit for two songs, "Black Friday Rule" and "Seven Deadly Sins". We then proceeded to head back to my friend's house to finish off the tequilaand beat the shit out of each other.

Today, we find ourselves beaten up but feeling great. Both of my knees and elbows are scraped, my right leg has a big bruise and my back is riddled with bruises and scratches. It feels good, though. I'm 23, and it feels good to know that I'm not an old man yet. All in all, it was a great show. I was a little bummed about getting kicked out, but I'm glad it was me and not one of my brothers or friends because I've seen them before. But I still curse the bitch that had me tossed out. I bet she takes it in the ass.
How'd I know you were going to post about this, Mr. Unpredictable? Wish I could have made it, but money is tight. Glad to hear you guys had a good time.
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