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Old 02-21-2010, 06:23 PM   #3941 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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1) What is your favorite tradition from your childhood, that you would love to pass on if you were to ever have children (or if you already have children, what one tradition did you pass on that was most important to you?)?
I wouldn't say it is so much a tradition as it is a pastime, but I would love to continue going to this lake in Arkansas that my family has been going to sporadically since I was born. Beautiful place.

2) What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?
I don't really keep these things ranked, so I will just tell you a funny/weird story that happened to me recently. Some friends and I went to a local bar and there was a cover band playing. The keyboardist was smoking hot. We notice at one of the tables ahead of us, there was this middle aged nerdy looking guy watching her like a hawk. We thought this guy was her dad from the way he was acting. Later, he walks up, tells us he is training to become a pastor, and tells us he is going to marry that girl. We then find out he has never even talked to her, he just kind of follows the band around. Then he takes out a notepad to "gather" information about us. The bartenders look at us and mouth "Get the **** away from this guy", my friend grabs the notebook, scratches everything he wrote out, and the guy gives us this death stare before leaving. We thought we were going to get straight up jumped in the parking lot. Okay, so maybe not so funny...but definitely creepy.

3) What is your favorite piece of clothing? Why?
My sweatshirt. It compliments me.

4) If you were a famous rockstar, would you have a pre-show ritual? What would it be?
Nah, besides warming up my vocals or whatever instrument I was playing. I would be too nervous I would screw up to take drugs. After the show is a different story.

5) If you didn’t have to work/go to school, how would you spend your days?
Assuming this means I also have money to live comfortable, I would travel and listen to music, and experience any new thing I could. That is about it.

6) Do you have a weird relative? Of course you do, we all do. Tell us about them.
Yeah, my cousin is one of the craziest conspiracy theorists I have ever met. There are a few things I buy into myself (JFK assassination, 9/11), but my cousin takes it to a new level. While I was overseas, he told me to come back, buy a shotgun, and join him cause "We're gonna need ya out there..."
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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