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Old 02-26-2010, 01:15 AM   #194 (permalink)
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
So, I am thinking that the issue here is not that you don't care about different *species,* but rather that you feel concern only about animals that have certain capabilities.
The comment I amde about endangered animals was more a case of helping their species survive. Regardless of whether they taste good or not, I don't want to watch an entire species vanish overnight because of stupid decisions on part of my own species (or any other reason).

I do find this interesting and have questioned my own limits before (almost on a weekly basis as there is always something in the news about meat and vegans etc). For example I have to pet dogs (which some Vegans would despise me for - having pets). And I could tell you right now I wouldn't willingly eat dog meat. I find the methods of which dogs are killed/cooked etc in asian countries to be disgusting (especially when they're skinned alive). However this is only because the animals are domesticated and I have developed a bond with my "pets" to the point of them being treated like members of my family. And yet I condone the mass slaughter and consumption of cows? I can already tell you If I had a cow as a pet for a year, when It came to killing it I wouldn't be able to (unless I was at gun point or something). But then I wonder if you can really develop a bond with such an animal. Dogs are incredibly intelligent and very similar to humans in some ways(as you've already stated) that is why you can develop such a strong bond with them. Perhaps it's easier for me to kill something that has no awareness or understanding of what's actually going on.

You don't stop a lying eating a gazelle and offer him some tofu. Why should I be stopped from enjoying a nice piece of steak.

As for surviving. Again there is things you get from animal meat and animal products which supplements are no alternative for (unless consumed in a ludicrous amount). However we've already had this debate and It was clear neither of us were going to change our mind.

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
What makes you draw a protective line around only humans, saying that only their experience of life and their feelings matter?
I'm not drawing a protective line around only humans. I'm just saying our own species should be our priority. We can't worry about and protect every single species in our world. We're only human, we can only do so much. Humans come first, then everything else(usually endangered animals then the rest).

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the problem is the script writers ain't on the same page,
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from my lab a lad with lavish lyrics living in his lair."

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